Anti-Bribery &
Anti-Corruption Policy

Purpose & Scope

The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value with the intent to influence the actions of an official or other person in a position of trust, or to gain an improper advantage.

Any abuse of power, dishonest or fraudulent conduct, or the provision of an undue advantage for personal or professional gain.
Our Policy
Prohibition of Bribery & Corruption
Prohibit any act of offer, promise, grant, authorisation, demand, or acceptance of any promise, bribe,kickback, illegal gratuity, illegal payment, or other illegal goods and services of any value directly orindirectly, to or from any person, organization, or Government representative.
Gifts, Hospitality, and Expenses
Employees and representatives must not offer, give, or receive gifts, hospitality, or expenses that could reasonably be seen as an attempt to influence business relationships
Due Diligence
Infotel conducts due diligence on third parties, including contractors, agents, and business partners, to ensure they adhere to our ABAC standards. Finally, the contract between Infotel and the business partner will require the business partner to act in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. The due diligence process is repeated at defined intervals.
Reporting and Whistleblowing
Employees and representatives are encouraged to report any suspicions of bribery or corruption through confidential channels. There will be no retaliation against individuals who make good faith reports
Monitoring and Review
Infotel Bizcon will regularly review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with legal requirements and industry best practices
Facilitation Payments
Infotel Bizcon does not condone or make facilitation payments. Such payments, even if they are considered customary in some cultures, are strictly prohibited.
Consequences of Violations
Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment, legal action, or other appropriate measures.
Compliance and Training
Infotel Bizcon Provide training, information and guidance for those working for the Company, including but not limited to the Company's supply chain and any third party (or their affiliated enterprises conducting business with the Company) for identification, deterrence, reporting of bribery and corruption related issues and effective compliance and implementation of this Policy