Network Licenses

Fixed/Land/Mobile - HF/VHF/UHF
Extend land-based one-way/two-way radio for voice and data in HF/VHF/UHF frequencies. Online application only if database licence is valid.
Captive Trunking
It is two way mobile trunking inside a limited area. (e.g. Factory, Hospital, Colleges etc).
Experimental Radiating
For devices used in experiment/testing with radiating capability.
FM Community Broadcast
FM transmitter uses by different communities for non-commercial purpose.
FM Broadcast
FM transmitter used for commercial application.
Global Positioning System used to determine the position.
Supervisory control and data access are those devices used in remote measurements and instrumentation
They are used for navigational and search and rescue operations both on land and water.
Earth Station for foreign mission
Satellite earth station used by foreign missions in India.
Experimental Radiating
For devices used in experiment/testing with radiating capability.
Microwave Link Broadcast
Broadcast (e.g. Digital audio broadcasting, Video broadcasting, Pod casting etc) using microwave frequencies.
Microwave Link for foreign mission
Microwave links used exclusively by Foreign missions.
Microwave Link for cellular
Short haul and Long haul microwave links used for GSM mobile technology for Access and Backbone link.
Microwave Link for Point to Multipoint
For microwave network of point to multipoint (star network) application e.g. last mile connectivity for internet.
Microwave Link for Point to Point
It is a point to point link for National long distance applications.

Fixed Saellite Service
- Captive VSAT
- Commercial VSAT
- ILD Service
- NLD Service
- Temporary permission for use of DSNG Vans
- Teleport
Broadcast Satellite Service
Mobile Satelllite Service
- INMARSAT Fleet Broadband
- Suigenris
Space Operation Service
Telemetry Tracking and Telecommand
Earth Exploration Setellite Service
- Data Collection Platform
- Telemetry
Amateur Satellite Service
New License/New Bandwidth
Radio Astronomy
New License/New Bandwidth
Non-network Licenses

Import License
It is a clearance letter issued by WPC to clear the import of wireless equipments by the Customs department.
Aeronautical License
The authority letter issued by WPC for possession and operation of Wireless devices in an Aircraft.
Demonstration License
Demonstration of operation of any wireless equipment is conducted only with a Demonstration license.
Experimental License (Non-radiating)
For devices used in experiments/ testing/ manufacturing without radiating capability.
Dealer Possession License (DPL)
All distributors/dealers of any wireless equipment are required to have this license. Demonstration and operation of wireless equipments are not permitted with DPL.
Non-dealer Possession License
Any individual/company, other than Dealers/Distributors can use NDPL to possess wireless equipment that will be regularized by operating license within the same calendar year.
Maritime License
The authority letter issued by WPC for possession and operation of Wireless devices in a Ship, Boat or Fishing Trawler. Separate application for each vessel should be submitted.
Citizen Band License
They are a special category of equipments that work only in citizen band (26.957-27.383 MHz) and with some constraints of power. The band is de-licensed. Please check the order in site elsewhere before applying.
Unified Licenses & UL (VNO)

Access Service (Service Area-Wise)
The Access Service under this authorization covers collection, carriage, transmission and delivery of voice and/or non-voice MESSAGES over Licensee’s network in the designated Service Area. The Licensee can also provide Internet Telephony, Internet Services including IPTV, Broadband Services and triple play i.e voice, video and data.
Internet Service (Category-A with All India jurisdiction)
Providing Internet services by private operators to process and carry voice signals (Restricted Internet Telephony) with All India jurisdiction
Internet Service (Category-B with jurisdiction in a Service Area)
Providing Internet services by private operators to process and carry voice signals (Restricted Internet Telephony) with jurisdiction in a Telecom circle/Metro Area
Internet Service (Category-C with jurisdiction in a Secondary Switching Area)
Providing Internet services by private operators to process and carry voice signals (Restricted Internet Telephony) with jurisdiction in a Secondary Switching Area
National Long Distance (NLD) Service
The NLD Service Licensee can carry telecommunication traffic from one Licensed Service area (LSA) to other LSA. The Licensee can also provide Leased Circuit/ Virtual Private Network (VPN) services. From 2013, NLD authorization is being issued under Unified License which was introduced as per National Telecom Policy 2012 to create ‘One Nation-One License’
International Long Distance (ILD) Service
The ILD Service Licensee provides International connectivity. The Licensee may also offer international bandwidth on lease to other eligible licensees. From 2013, ILD authorization is being issued under Unified License which was introduced as per National Telecom Policy 2012 to create ‘One Nation-One License
Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS) Service
The licensee shall be permitted to provide, in its area of operation, all types of mobile services including voice and non-voice messages, data services utilizing any type of network equipment including circuit and/or packet switches, that meet the relevant International Telecommunication Union (ITU)/Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) standards.
Public Mobile Radio Trunking Service (PMRTS) Service
This LICENSE is granted to provide SERVICE on a non-exclusive basis and others can also be granted licenses for the same service in the designated SERVICE AREA by utilizing any type of network equipment, including circuit and/or packet switches, that meet the relevant International Telecommunication Union (ITU)/Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC)/ International standardization bodies such as 3GPP/3GPP-2/ETSI/IETF/ANSI/EIA/TIA/IS. Provided further that the LICENSOR, on its own or through a DESIGNATED OPERATOR, shall always have a right to operate the SERVICE anywhere in India including the service area for which this license is granted
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Closed User Group (CUG) Service
The scope of the service is to provide data connectivity between various sites scattered within territorial boundary of India via INSAT Satellite System using Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs)
INSAT MSS-Reporting (MSS-R) Service
INSAT Mobile Satellite System Reporting Service (INSAT MSS Reporting Service) is a one way satellite based messaging service available through INSAT. The basic nature of this service is to provide a reporting channel via satellite to the group of people, who by virtue of their nature of work are operating from remote locations without any telecom facilities and need to send short textual message or short data occasionally to a central station. This service provides one way message reporting (transmit only) facility from anywhere in India
Resale of International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) Service
The Reseller shall provide end-to-end IPLC between India and country of destination for any capacity denomination
WPC/DoT Clearances

SACFA Clearance
All antenna/tower/mast installations must receive SACFA clearance, according to DoT rules. SACFA clearances are issued once no objections are received from various SACFA members.
Equipment Type Approval: This is a certificate granted by WPC for radio equipment that operates in a delicensed frequency band.
Infrastructure provider (IP- I) Registration
Infrastructure Providers Category-I are those Infrastructure Providers who lease/rent/sell assets such as Dark Fibre, Right of Way, Duct space, and Tower to Telecom Service licensees.
Manufacturing & Testing Licenses
To produce radio equipment, a licensee must get a manufacturing and testing license from the Region Licensing Office.

Before being sold or imported for usage in India, all telecom equipment must pass rigorous testing and certification.
Testing for compliance to Essential Requirements (ER) for the equipment will be performed by Indian recognised labs specified by TEC, and a certificate will be granted based on their test results.
Captive Non- Public Network (CNPN)
To establish indoor/within premise isolated Captive non public networks for own use within the area of operation of license